Joss Whedon in Talks to Direct BATGIRL Movie for Warner Bros. and DC Films

If we can’t protect the DC Extended UniverseOpens in a new tab, you can be damn sure we’ll avenge it. That seems to be the M.O. for the new management behind Warner Bros.’ DC Comics film adaptations as Joss WhedonOpens in a new tab is in talks to write, direct, and produce a BatgirlOpens in a new tab standalone movie. VarietyOpens in a new tab broke the news earlier on Thursday and Nerdist has since confirmed it with sources close to the project.

The news may come as a shock given the fact that Joss Whedon seemed well and truly done with the superhero genre after writing and directing AvengersOpens in a new tab and Avengers: Age of UltronOpens in a new tab for Disney and Marvel, but the badassery of Barbara Gordon is evidently too much for him to resist. It also makes sense, historically speaking, since Whedon came extremely close to writing and directing a Wonder Woman film for Warner Bros. back in the early 2000s. While Patty Jenkins is now going to be bringing Diana of Themyscira, Whedon seems particularly well suited to bring the longtime fan favorite and seminal member of Gotham City’s bat-based crimefighters to the big screen.


Batgirl is long overdue for a starring role, and no The LEGO Batman Movie doesn’t count. Batgirl has been a staple of DC Comics since her first appearance in 1967’s “The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl,” written by Gardner Fox and illustrated by Carmine Infantino. The daughter of Gotham City Police Department’s head honcho Commissioner Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon has fought crime alongside Batman as Batgirl over the years, kicking ass and taking as many names as the World’s Greatest Detective himself. In the wake of The Killing Joke, she rebranded herself as the information broker Oracle after a brutal assault by the Joker left her paralyzed and traumatized. In particular, the recent “The Batgirl of Burnside” story arc from Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr, and Brenden Fletcher seems ideally suited to Whedon’s sensibilities as it recontextualized Barbara Gordon as a Ph.D. student living in Gotham’s hip Burnside neighborhood.

Here’s hoping that we’ll get to see this iconic moment reenacted on the big screen:


via GIPHYOpens in a new tab

The Internet was quick to express its rapture at the news of Whedon’s involvement.

However, not everyone was quite so stoked on yet another straight white dude directing a comic book movie, especially one fronted by a female superhero.

We will continue to monitor this development with bated breath and have more analysis as to what this portends for the DC Extended Universe in the days and weeks ahead.

What do you think of Joss Whedon directing a Batgirl movie? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: DC Comics

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star WarsOpens in a new tab and the AvengersOpens in a new tab. Follow him on Twitter (@OsteoferociousOpens in a new tab).

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