Everyone wishes they could fly like a bird, or take to the air like a superhero. Unfortunately, the technology doesn’t exist yet to make that happen for anyone. Soon, though, a Japanese amusement park will offer its guests the next best thing. It’s opening two new rides that will let visitors soar high above the park. But this won’t be a leisurely sightseeing glide. Those brave enough to take to the sky will get be able to travel up to 45 miles per hour.
atpress/Nesta Restor Kobe
This month, on July 17, the nature theme park Nesta Resort Kobe will open its new Adventure Canyon area with two new zipline attractions (which we first learned about at SoronaNews24). Each will allow guests to (safely) soar like a bird. Riders will be put in secure harnesses so they can lay in a prone position to create the sensation of flying through the air.
Those who truly have a need for speed will flock to Sky Eagle. Guests will strap in for an intense straight line trip that sits 57 meters (187 feet) above the ground. They’ll then go on a “flight” that runs 560 meters (over 1,800 feet), reaching a top speed of 75km/hr (over 46 mph). It will be both the longest and fastest ride in Japan. But you won’t have to do it alone. Sky Eagle accommodates up to four riders at a time.
atpress/Nesta Restor Kobe
Those who want something slightly less extreme but still awesome can strap into Speed Hawk, which can accommodate two riders at a time. It sits 32 meters (almost 105 feet) above the ground for 415 meters (over 1,360 feet), reaching a top speed of 50 km/hr (31 mph). But unlike the straight line Sky Eagle the Speed Hawk “faithfully incorporates the advice of the falconer into the design to reproduce more realistic falcon movements.”
Riders can swivel as they glide, letting them “feel like a ‘real’ hawk.”

atpress/Nesta Restor Kobe
Nesta Resort Kobe will also launch two other, terrestrial rides alongside their high-flying amusements. Canyon Drop will let guests bounce their way through—and down—three different kinds of obstacles courses inside a giant inflatable transparent ball.
atpress/Nesta Restor Kobe
And Canyon Slide will let visitors of all ages do just that, slide down four different hills.
atpress/Nesta Restor Kobe
For those worried about going on opening day for the rides well good. Be smart and make good decisions for you and your family. But the park is enforcing strict social distancing, capacity, and screening guidelines.
And it’s a lot easy to stay away from others when you can soar high above them.
Featured Image: atpress/Nesta Restor Kobe