Watch 13,000 Dominos Dramatically Collapse in Slow Motion

There’s something very satisfying about watching dominos fall down. It is their whole deal, after all. But domino artist Hevesh5 takes the domino effect to the next level. The YouTuber, whose real name is Lily Hevesh, is famous for her videos of intricate domino designs. But recently, she uploaded a record-breaking domino structure. And then destroyed it just minutes later—with an inflatable chicken, no less.

Hevesh used 13,000 dominos to compile the hexagonal structure, which she says is a world record. In order to put together the structure, Hevesh needed a whole room in her house. Yep, that’s how big it is. The eight-minute video showcases the painstaking precision with which Hevesh brings to putting the structure together, which took a whopping 52 days.

Obviously, constructing anything with dominos is a pretty delicate task. Dominos are, as stated above, famous for toppling over. In the video, Hevesh detailed the few very close contacts that nearly sent the structure to the floor: from a dangling hoodie string to a falling AirPod. At one point, a fly seeks refuge on a central domino. But, of course, there’s no swatting this fly, not when a few thousand dominos could come crashing down. Not until the project is complete. 

A domino structure collapses

After putting the outrageously-impressive structure together, Hevesh posed a question to followers: what should she use to topple it? The winning answer was the inflatable chicken used on a previous build. After all, there is always something a little goofy about tossing an inflatable chicken into the mix. But things got even more dicey when Hevesh invited a friend to join in on the toppling party—and nearly sent the whole structure crashing down while explaining the process. 

Luckily, that didn’t happen. Only a few dominos fell, which Hevesh easily replaced. But it was certainly an important reminder of the structure’s delicate nature. And when it did come crashing down—as planned–it was all worth it. A sea of 13,000 colorful dominos covered the floor—a testament to just how many pieces it took to bring the domino hexagon to life.

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