Hero Forge Is Creating the Future of TTRPGs One Mini at a Time

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Have you ever wanted to see your tabletop RPG character make the leap from your imagination to the real world? Thanks to Hero Forge, you can actually make that happen by creating a one-of-a-kind, 3D printed miniature. You’ll get to pick every little detail—and with new customization options being added every week, pretty soon there will be nothing that you dream up that Hero Forge can’t make.


Hero Forge’s custom minis can be created right in your browser. From rabbitfolk to robots and elves to merfolk, your adventure in custom mini making begins with choosing a race. Then it’s time to start diving into the details with customization options that outdo some of your favorite video game RPGs. You can even mix and match—put a cat face on a human body? You got it. A mouse face on a half-giant? Sure! (We don’t want to know how that particular combination happened, though. Or do we?)

Category by category you’ll not only find amazing options to craft your character, but also many marked as new as the company continues to add new content every week. Instead of searching the shelves for a mini that looks “close enough,” thanks to Hero Forge and its hundreds of character options, your mini will look exactly how you’ve pictured the hero you always wanted to be.


Fair warning: You might spend hours browsing the clothing and outfits alone.

Once your mini is designed down to the last detail, Shapeways uses the latest in 3D printing technology to manufacture and ship your character straight to your doorstep just a few weeks later. If you chose a plastic miniature, you can even paint it. (Need some painting tips? Be sure to check out Painters Guild right here on Geek & Sundry.)


With the regular addition of new customization options and a commitment to improving players’ tabletop gaming experiences, Hero Forge is a pioneer in 3D printed custom miniatures. Visit their website for more information about materials and pricing. And be sure to tune into Vampire: The Masquerade: L.A. By Night every Friday night on Twitch to see the coterie’s minis created and painted by the generous team at Hero Forge in action!

This article is sponsored by Hero Forge.

All Images: Hero Forge and Geek & Sundry

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