Henry Cavill Films a Touching Remembrance for His Mustache

Never in the history of facial hair has there been quite as significant a specimen as Henry Cavill’s mustache. It caused loads of continuity problems during Justice League reshootsOpens in a new tab, and it created one of the most memeable momentsOpens in a new tab that the follicular world has ever seen or will ever see again. However, all good things must come to an end, and Cavill’s mischievous mustache has finally shuffled off this mortal coil.

Of course, it was important to Henry Cavill to properly mourn the shaving of such an iconic piece of facial hair. So the Batman v Superman actor took to his Instagram to bid his ‘stache—appropriately dubbed “The Kingstache”—a fond farewell in a very touching video.

#ShavedButNotForgottenOpens in a new tab

A post shared by Henry CavillOpens in a new tab (@henrycavill) on

Cavill admits in the video that he’s a bit bereft since losing the Kingstache, admitting he sometimes has trouble recognizing himself in the mirror. And just in case anyone wondered if his clean-shaven look was a trick of the cameras, he confirms that no CGI was involved in removing his mustache this timeOpens in a new tab. However, he promises to remember the mustache always, as will the rest of us.

We love the touching montage he collects of pictures of himself with his wonderful facial hair (and one is definitely snuck in there of his horrible, CGI-shaven lip from Justice LeagueOpens in a new tab) set to Sarah McLaughlin’s “I Will Remember You.” Cavill shaving a mustache that caused such an outrageous amount of problems for a major movie studio is definitely signaling the end of a very bizarre, wonderful era. However, we’re glad that this video will live forever on Henry Cavill’s Instagram, and and we’ll always have our memories of the Kingstache. Rest in peace, dear mustache.

What was your favorite meme that came out of Henry Cavill’s mustachioed days? Let’s talk about it in the comments!

Feature Image: Paramount Pictures

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