Heidi Klum’s Elaborate E.T. Costume Wins Halloween 2024

It’s been over 40 years since E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial captured the hearts of the world. But then, it seemed his popularity waned. Maybe he didn’t leave a big enough Star Wars-esque cultural footprint. Well, for Halloween 2024, we can say the Phone Home guy made a roaring comeback. First, singer Janelle Monae debuted a screen-accurate (and truly creepyOpens in a new tab) E.T. costume on October 30. Then, one day later, model Heidi Klum and her husband Tom Kaulitz both came in very elaborate E.T. costumes for Klum’s annual Halloween party. Klum was “E.T. in Drag,’ while her musician hubby was “Standard Issue E.T.” Both looks were absolutely phenomenal, however.

The supermodel is famous for her incredibly detailed costumes for her annual Halloween events. And unlike most glamourous celebs who use Halloween as an excuse to just look even more glamourous, the former Project Runway host almost always goes the opposite way. Oh, in the first few years of her annual Halloween parties, she went more traditional. Sexy vampire, sexy snake, etc. But then she decided around 2008 to get wild with it, and never looked back. One year, she was a rather icky-looking worm. Another year, she was an ape, with Planet of the ApesOpens in a new tab-worthy makeup. Every year since, she just kept getting more and more elaborate.

Hedi Klum and Tom Kaulitz as ET for Halloween 2024.
The Independent

Klum’s E.T. look was actually worthy of being an animatronic in some kind of Universal Studios attraction. That’s how good it looks. Hey, maybe this surge in E.T. popularity will make Universal Studios HollywoodOpens in a new tab consider bringing back the beloved E.T. attraction. Right now, it only exists in the Orlando theme park. We can’t ever guess what Klum is going to dress as for Halloween in advance, but this one is certainly going to be difficult for her to top. Hopefully, if she’s Chewbacca or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man or something, another celebrity won’t steal her thunder early next Halloween.