The intended tone of a message is something we all occasionally take for granted. In today's day and age, we put out countless blurbs of communication via social media, email, and text messaging all with a certain level of trust that the way we write the message is the way that it's eventually read. The sort of social contract we enter into when reading and writing digital communication can be swayed by a lot and it has less to do with the actual words written than you'd think. When we read something, we bring in our own perception of the author, the general subject of the text, and--all too often--our current mood. Chances are that you've experienced writing an innocuous or happy email to someone only to re-read it later and realize that--if read in a certain way--can make you seem weird, rude, or even downright mean. Hey, it can even happen when speaking face to face!The folks over at Super Deluxe capitalized on this phenomenon in one of the best ways we've ever seen by taking the Tweets of President Donald Trump and filtering them through the lens of an early 2000s emo song. No one would argue that Trump is Tweeting the way he feels out to his followers, but if you take away his usual tone that we've all become familiar with, the words can seem a bit different. Frankly, whoever it was at Super Deluxe that was able to look at the words of the tweets and detach their knowledge of how Trump acts, talks and Tweets in order to uncover what really seem like emo song lyrics is a damn genius. your personal politics are, creating an emo song out of someone's Tweets is beyond creative and we can only hope that this trend continues--not only with Trump's Tweets, but with any account that's able to produce this sort of comedy. With this format, we might be looking at the next Bad Lip Reading or Schmoyoho.What Twitter accounts do you think would work for emo songs? Let's discuss in the comments below!
Image: Super Deluxe