HARRY POTTER’s Wizard’s Chess Just a Few Moves Away with Self-Moving Chess Board

Any chess player worth her salt thinks at least a few moves ahead, which is why when you look at the self-moving chess board in the video above you have to think: how close are we to Wizard’s Chess from Harry Potter? Seriously, the pieces move themselves. Now we just need to make things a little more barbaric.

Although it’s not directly related to Harry Potter in any way (yet!), the self-moving chess board from maker Square Off is still magical tech. The game utilizes a small robotic arm with a magnetic head beneath the board to move the pieces, and it can accomplish any move, including knight moves and taking pieces off the board. And because players move their pieces with the game’s associated app, moves can be made from anywhere in the world.


If the self-moving pieces sound a bit gimmicky—and if you’re thinking to yourself pffft, I can play with anyone around the globe already with online chess — watch the video and the reactions to the game. There is definitely something special about watching your opponent move pieces when he or she isn’t even in the room. Plus, you can play against the game’s A.I., which, c’mon, is like playing against a freakin’ ghost — who will probably beat you. And double-plus, you can watch professional matches play out on the board, which makes for a great learning tool.

Square Off’s self-moving board is still up on Kickstarter, but considering it’s already more than doubled its $49,358 goal, it’s likely these boards will be rolling out soon. Oh, and the board can also be altered to play other games aside from chess in the same wizardly fashion — in case there’s a Ron in your life who just won’t let you win.

What do you think about this self-moving chess board? Is this a magical twist on a classic game, or are you all about skin-on-piece contact? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Images: Square Off

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