You might remember earlier this year when we told you about the <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>incredible carved cartridges</a> created by artist <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Pigminted</a>. He’s added new handmade carvings to his shop, this time in the form of gorgeous, intricate wooden <em>Hearthstone</em> cards. The cards are beautifully detailed and truly legendary.
Each card is carved by hand (and computer), with designs made to order. Choose the card itself, the hero you’d like to grace the one-of-a-kind wooden stand, and a classic or custom card back design. Then Pigminted gets to work.
“It takes me about a week to make one,” he told Nerdist. “This means going from the design of the card in Photoshop / Illustrator, setting up the files, engraving the wood, gluing, sanding, and staining and painting. A lot of the time is waiting for stuff to dry.”

The multilayered Hearthstone cards are made with tools both traditional and digital, including a laser cutter, sander, wood cutter, and other woodworking tools, said Pigminted. Like many of the best things in life, he didn’t originally set out to start a career as a woodworking artist, but fell into it almost by chance.
“I used to make a webcomic which was on cardboard, done digitally,” Pigminted said. “Eventually, I wanted to print the comics on real cardboard, but most printers don’t do that. After searching online I found a laser engraver. I thought, ‘Oh, I’ll just engrave my comics on cardboard.’ This led me to think, ‘What else can I engrave?’
“Eventually, I got to where I am today.”

You’ll also find detailed cards from some of your other favorite collectible card games in Pigminted’s Etsy store, including Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, and Magic the Gathering. If you have a TCG player in your life and you’re searching for the perfect present for them, pick up the only card you can be absolutely positive they don’t have in their collection already.
What Hearthstone card would you want immortalized? Tell us in the comments.
All Images: Pigminted