Look at This Frickin’ GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Tattoo Sleeve

It’s been almost a month since Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was released, and I’m still thinking about Baby Groot, Mary Poppins, and the tape to cover the death button. Tessa, of Mama’s Geeky, also has serious feels about Guardians, so serious that she has a tattoo sleeve to showcase her fandom to the world. She’s been reading comics featuring the characters for as long as she can remember, and once she saw the first Guardians of the Galaxy and Baby Groot, she knew it was time for a tattoo featuring the little sprout.


The tattoo is still a work in progress — Yondu and Nebula coming soon — but for now, Tessa is 16 hours in. It all started with Baby Groot, and based on him, she decided to use the versions of the characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Tessa’s been working with Nic Terramiggi of Olde Anchor Tattoo. She wanted Star-Lord to be the focus of the top half of the tattoo, with Yondu front and center on the bottom. She told Nerdist, “As I told [Nic] about my idea, he immediately came up with some great filler to go between the characters. The purple and pink colors, the swirls, all the ships — those were all his ideas. Even the Earth behind Peter was his idea. When we add Yondu, we are including his arrow, but also Ego in planet form behind him as a nod to them both being fathers to Peter. I told Nic which characters I wanted, gave him some photos as reference pieces and he sketched it all together.”

“The rest is history! I think the fact that I have full confidence in Nic and told him to just go for it, really helped it come together well.”


You can see more of Nic’s work on Instagram, and if you’re interested in checking out his tattoo shop, you can visit them on Facebook.

Head the gallery below to see more a sketch of the upcoming Yondu addition and Tessa at the world premiere of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 with James Gunn and Kevin Feige.

If you have nerdy ink on your skin or you’re a tattoo artist that applies pop culture, STEM, music, or other nerd-inspired ink (tl;dr: I want to see basically all of the tattoos) on a regular basis, then please hit me up because I’d like to highlight you in a future Inked Wednesday gallery. I’m especially interested if you have a sleeve or other large tattoo. You can get in touch with me via email at alratcliffe@yahoo.com. Send me photos of the tattoos you’d like me to feature (the higher resolution, the better) and don’t forget to let me know the name of your tattoo artist if you have it, as well the name of the shop he or she works out of. If you are the tattoo artist, give me links to your portfolios and/or Instagram accounts so I can share them with our readers.

Images: Tessa

How long could star-lord survive in space unprotected?

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