GAMES OF THRONES’ “Eastwatch” Inspires Team-Up Mash-Ups Galore

As someone who has been watching Game of Thrones since the first season, I'd become used to the somewhat slower pacing of the show, where it sometimes took years for the various characters and storylines to converge. Much like Tommen though, all those rules have gone out the window in season seven. This year things are happening at such a breakneck pace it's giving longtime viewers whiplash. Case in point - season seven's fifth episode, titled "Eastwatch," which brought together a ton of fan favorite characters from the series, many of whom have never shared any screen time before in the show's previous six seasons, and made them into something of a GoT super-team.

At the climax of "Eastwatch," we have the motley crew of Jon Snow, Gendry, Ser Jorah Mormont, Tormund Giantsbane, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, and even the frickin' Hound, as they decide to go beyond the Wall and take themselves a member of the Night King's army of the dead back south as proof of their existence. Specifically, for proof to show Queen Cersei that the whole undead army thing is a real threat, so they can have an armistice long enough to defeat the Night King. I don't know, sounds like a fool's errand to me...or maybe, a suicide mission? Have we met the Westerosi version of the Suicide Squad??

But Suicide Squad isn't the only movie that the "Eastwatch" group resembles, as Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds also gets a fan made shout out. YouTube user Jesse Carp has taken scenes from this past episode, and timed then to the audio from the trailer for Inglorious Basterds, and it fits like a glove. You can check it down below: And the mash-ups don't end there; we've got one for The Seven Samurai... well as possibly my favorite, one mashing them up with the '80s TV classic, The A-Team. (Is Tormund the Mr.T of the team?) Which pop culture property does Game of Throne's current team of misfits remind you of? Be sure to let us know down below in the comments. For more Game of Thrones, check out our look at Drogon's reaction to Jon Snow, the odds of the Mag 7's survival, and whether Jorah infected Dany or not. [brightcove video_id="5541062809001" brightcove_account_id="3653334524001" brightcove_player_id="rJs2ZD8x"]

Images: HBO