You have your dice, you have your online setup. You even have an adventuring party, and . . . you have a budget. When you’re ready to start playing Dungeons & Dragons, finding your first adventures can be both daunting and an investment.
Taking your first steps in the Forgotten Realms? Wizards of the Coast is here for you and your party. For a limited time you’ll find family-friendly activities and adventures, along with info and adventures for getting started with the Adventurers League, all for free on the D&D website. They add new content daily.

Wizards of the Coast
The D&D Adventurers League (abbreviated DDAL) is an officially organized 5th edition campaign that typically welcomes players at events and conventions across the country. Right now you’ll find guides for both the Dungeon Master and players. You’ll also discover an introductory adventure for level one characters, Defiance in Phlan. And it’s all free.
If you have young Dungeons & Dragons adventurers in the party, you’ll find Adventure with Muk available as a pay-what-you-want download. You’ll find adventure hooks, activity sheets, and more as the smallest players in your party meet Muk. He’s the very bravest goblin, and he has a best friend named Birdsquirrel.

Wizards of the Coast
Check back every day for more DDAL content, introductory adventures, encounters in Avernus, coloring pages, and more. And thanks to our friends at D&D Beyond, you’ll also find another adventure, Lost Mine of Phandelver, for free until May 5.
All of these Dungeons & Dragons promotions are part of the initiative to encourage everyone to play at home while you stay at home. You’ll be a hero in real life by helping contain the spread of COVID-19 by exploring dungeons, spooky forests, bustling taverns, and more—all without ever leaving your house.
Featured Image: Wizards of the Coast
Kelly Knox is a freelance writer in Seattle, WA who writes for Star Wars, DC Comics, IGN, and more. Follow her on Twitter and ask about her D&D character.