Once in a while, a company will try a flavor so out there that it logically doesn’t make that much sense, but that doesn’t stop said company from giving it a try anyway, just to see people’s reactions to it.
That’s the case with Buffalo Wild Wings, which introduced a bizarre new flavor for its wings: Mountain Dew. Yep, someone thought it would be a good idea to apply the flavor of the soft drinks with a lemongrass and spicy red pepper mix to create a mixture of sweet and spicy.
It’s definitely a strange combination, but who knows, it might just take off; and it wouldn’t be the first time that a company tried something new with its flavoring. Here are some other incredibly strange foods that have found their way to release and developed some form of audience that just can’t get enough of them.
Jimmy Dean Pancake and Sausage On a Stick w/Chocolate Chip

(Image source: PopsugarOpens in a new tab)
The combination of pancake and sausage on a stick is appealing enough as it is, since it basically creates the breakfast equivalent of a corn dog. But for some odd reason, Jimmy Dean decided to add flavoring to the mix, including blueberry and, yes, chocolate chip. The end result was a somewhat weird mixture of sweet and salty, though it did seem to find certain satisfaction with consumers. Still, it was a limited time offer, as the company seems to be hawking the “original” flavor these days.
Nestle Green Tea Kit Kats

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While Americans are used to the same ‘ole flavor of Kit Kat bar, there are a variety of flavors available overseas, namely in Japan. Some sound quite appealing, like Cherry Blossom and Blueberry Cheesecake, but one that stands out for some reason is the Green Tea flavor. Yes, Nestle thought it was a novel idea to make Green Tea Kit Kats, and they actually sell pretty reasonably (and taste pretty good). Well, more so than the Grilled Potato Kit Kats, mind you. Don’t even get us started on those.
Clear Pumpkin Spice Sparkling Water

(Image source: The Impulsive BuyOpens in a new tab)
The Clear line-up of sparkling water has sold well in Wal-Marts across the country, offering consumers a variety of flavors to choose from, ranging from Cherry Limeade to Strawberry. That said, the company opted to sell special flavors for the fall season, including Caramel Apple, which isn’t actually half bad, and, yep, Pumpkin Spice. It seems that Starbucks wasn’t the only brand looking to inject Pumpkin-based flavor into its drink. However, it doesn’t quite mesh well in terms of sparkling water. It just tastes… off. On the bright side, at least the Caramel Apple hits the spot.
Salty Watermelon Pepsi

(Image source: The ShortlistOpens in a new tab)
There are a bunch of weird Pepsi flavors that we’ve seen over the years: Crystal Pepsi, Pepsi Blue, and even Pepsi Ice Cream in some markets. However, Salty Watermelon Pepsi easily takes the cake with a weird flavor that does taste a bit like watermelon, but doesn’t quite have the Pepsi essence like the company was hoping. It’s probably never going to find its way on our shores, as Pepsi is likely to lean more on traditional flavors, like Vanilla and Cherry. But hey, look on the bright side. At least Crystal Pepsi is coming back, right?
Pecan Pie Pringles
(Image source: Huffington PostOpens in a new tab)
Pringles has tried its fair share of flavors over the years with its chips, including Pizza, Cheeseburger, Chocolate Covered, Buffalo Hot Wing and even Tortillas. However, its holiday line-up is easily the strangest of the bunch, particularly with Pecan Pie. With it, the company goes for a sweet sort of flavor, sprinkling the taste of a pecan pie onto a chip. It’s… definitely weird, even more so than other sugar-based snacks the company have introduced. Nevertheless, there are a few that can’t get enough of them and they’ll likely be stockpiling a few cans until the following holiday season comes around.
Cappuccino Lays Potato Chips

(Image source: BloombergOpens in a new tab)
Speaking of weird chip flavors, did anyone really ask for Lays to combine a potato chip with the flavor of a coffee drink? Apparently someone came up with the idea while the company ran its “name your own flavors” promotion, and, boom, now we have coffee-flavored potato chips. Unfortunately, they’re likely to only be a hit with a certain crowd, while everyone else sticks with more traditional flavors. Even Chicken and Waffles sounds more appealing than cappuccino. Yech.
Fruit Punch Oreos

(Image source: The Impulsive BuyOpens in a new tab)
Last but certainly not least, we have to give a nod to the team at Nabisco, which cranks out a number of strange yet unique flavors for its Oreo cookies. Among them, we’ve gotten Caramel Apple, Watermelon(?), Root Beer Float and Cookie Dough Oreos (which is sort of like a Cookieception, if you think about it). That said, Fruit Punch is kind of a strange flavor for a cookie, as the crème flavor doesn’t quite mesh with Oreo’s original design. Still, for those that can’t help but experiment with their cookie tastes, it’s certainly worth a try.
What’s the weirdest Frankenfood you’ve ever tried? Let us know in the comments!
(Cover image source: PandaphiliaOpens in a new tab)