For over a hundred years, humanity has lived behind walls, consumed with fear, and waiting for the inevitable. Today, the walls tremble at their foundation and the cannons are silenced once more as they face the awesome might – of Becca Scott Kerns! Our team of heroes will need to chip away at the awesome might of Becca if they hope to survive Attack on Titan: The Last Stand.
Join Rodney Smith ( Watch It Played), Marty ( Roll Dice and Take Names), Rotny Ford ( Psyclon Nine), and our very own Jason Charles Miller as they take on the titan, Becca, for survival. In this cooperative game of dice rolling, press your luck mechanics, and good old-fashion strategy; our heroes will need to chip away at the titan’s health while protecting the civilians down below, the cannons on the wall, and their own necks.
Grab your swords, roll your dice, and keep an eye on Becca (she’s been known to cheat). Check out this re-broadcast of the International Tabletop Day playthrough of Attack on Titan: The Last Stand.
What do you think of the game? Who is your favorite character, on the table or in the show? Let us know if the comment section below.