FANGIRLING: ARROW’S Emily Bett Rickards, OVERCOOKED 2, and More

Dani Fernandez and Markeia McCarty are joined this week by Geek and Sundry’s Erika Ishii and Roxy Striar from Screen Junkies! Plus, Roxy sits down with Emily Bett RickardsOpens in a new tab to talk hacking on TV and Felicity Smoak’s fanfic dream team-up. And the FangirlingOpens in a new tab gang gets their game on with an intense round of Overcooked 2.

New episodes of Fangirling air here at Nerdist, on FacebookOpens in a new tab, and at AlphaOpens in a new tab every Thursday. New Alpha members, use the code FANGIRLING for a 60-day trial.