Watch the Trailer for the DUNE Graphic Novel Bring the Movie’s Story to the Page

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune swept onto screens in a swirl of spice and epic story. The movie based on Frank Herbert’s novel of the same name showed Paul Atreides’ journey on Arrakis. Thrust into a leadership role, the young Atreides, played by Timothée Chalamet, had to quickly find his way on the inhospitable planetOpens in a new tab. And now we can follow his hero’s path in an all-new way with Dune: The Official Movie Graphic Novel. The graphic novel from Legendary Comics and writer Lilah Sturges, artist Drew Johnson, and colorists Zid and Niezam brings the story of Dune to the page with gorgeous art. Nerdist has your first look at the trailer for Dune: The Official Movie Graphic Novel below.

Scenes from the film Dune look vibrant on the page. The illustrated spice in the airOpens in a new tab even seems to sparkle. The trailer shows that the graphic novel features many key character beats and story moments from the movie. Though the sequential art is still, it’s full of life.

Illustrated images of the characters from Dune in the Dune graphic novel
Legendary Comics/Bill Sienkiewicz

The cover art for the Dune graphic novel comes from the legendary Bill Sienkiewicz. Sienkiewicz has a long history with Arrakis. He did the art for the original Dune comics for Marvel Comic in 1984 with writer Ralph Macchio. They adapted David Lynch’s take on the story. The artist cites those comicsOpens in a new tab as a point when his style evolved. Now he’s taken that moment full circle with the cover for the comics adaptation of Villeneuve’s Dune.

The synopsis for Dune: The Official Movie Graphic Novel is as follows:

Legendary Comics proudly presents the official graphic novel adaptation of the Academy Award-winning sci-fi epic Dune directed by Denis Villeneuve, based on the acclaimed novel by visionary author Frank Herbert. This lavishly illustrated adaptation brings the vivid, mind-bending visuals of the landmark sci-fi masterpiece to life, offering readers a thrilling new way to see the future and experience Dune.

Dune: The Official Movie Graphic Novel will be available wherever you buy books or comics on December 6. You can place a preorder nowOpens in a new tab. If you place a pre-order, you can register it hereOpens in a new tab and you’ll get a bonus gift of an art print of Tim Sales’s iconic take on Paul Atreides, a bookmark and House Atreides decal sticker.

Editor’s Note: Nerdist is a subsidiary of Legendary Digital Networks.