Diana Rowland, an author from Louisiana, had a very different type of decor for her outdoor Christmas display this year: an incredible setup featuring two giant inflatable dragons. While many are bound to love it, one anonymous neighbor does not. A real-life Cersei left a note (wrongly) saying dragons are not appropriate for the holiday season, and suggested they might represent a satanic cult. (Not totally fair to the followers of the Lord of Light, but not totally unfair either.)
Our dragon holiday display got fan mail! (And apparently the “true meaning of Christmas” involves judgmental bullshit?) 😂 pic.twitter.com/7NLZKkEW2x
— Diana Rowland (@dianarowland) December 15, 2018
Of course, Rowland did the only thing she could after receiving such a concerned letter—she added way more dragons and gave them more of a Christmas feel.
An update to yesterday’s tweet re the letter I received from an anonymous, judgy-mcjudgyface neighbor who disapproved of my dragon display and asked me to consider removing them: I have added more dragons. pic.twitter.com/OxsFQs5yQ1
— Diana Rowland (@dianarowland) December 16, 2018
Everything about this is amazing (which is why even George R.R. Martin retweeted Vice‘s story about it), including how plenty of dragon supporters wanted to donate money to Rowland to buy even more decorations. Instead of taking them up on that silly offer, she asked for donations to actual worthy causes instead.
Hi, everyone! I’ve been getting a lot of messages about fundraisers/collections to buy me MORE DRAGONS, but I would much rather any Dragon Army money be donated to a worthy charity of your choice. Let’s make this holiday season about joy and charity for all. Thanks!!
— Diana Rowland (@dianarowland) December 16, 2018
Will this escalation lead to a war among neighbors? Maybe. War seems to follow dragons wherever they go. So who will win? We know who Tywin Lannister would bet on.
Featured Image: HBO