Don Cheadle Revisits the Time Mark Ruffalo Spoiled INFINITY WAR’s Ending

Imagine if you had co-workers who constantly revealed company secrets in public. For the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's an ongoing concern. Tom Holland may have spoiled the fate of Spider-Man right before a screening of Avengers: Infinity War, but that pales in comparison to Mark Ruffalo. Last summer, Ruffalo blurted out the ending for Infinity War on Good Morning America as an incredulous Don Cheadle sat next to him.

Earlier this week, Cheadle was forced to relive that moment when he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Cheadle clearly seemed embarrassed when Jimmy Kimmel played the clip on his show. But in Kimmel's defense, it was kind of hilarious to see the look of horror on Cheadle's face as Ruffalo spilled some of Infinity War's most closely guarded secrets. Cheadle even confirmed that Ruffalo almost said "half" before changing it to "everybody." At the time of that GMA interview, the vast majority of the media outlets assumed Ruffalo was only kidding. It didn't become an obvious mistake until after Infinity War arrived in theaters. Cheadle jokingly suggested Marvel had solved the problem of its greatest leaker by removing him from all press junkets, including films that have nothing to do with Marvel. Given the intense secrecy surrounding Marvel Studios, it's not hard to imagine Ruffalo's loose lips causing some sleepless nights. Any and all of Ruffalo's future interviews will likely be examined for any slips like this one. How do you think Ruffalo can be stopped from spoiling the end of Avengers 4? Do you think he will spoil the twist again? Let us know in the comment section below!