Disney Tea Cups Meet the Whimsical and the Grim in This New Art Exhibit

When you think of the Mad Tea Party ride at Disney Parks with its spinning teacups, you might associate it with words like fun or exciting. I think of words like nauseating and unhappiness—the Alice in Wonderland attraction doesn't do it for me. And that kind of ties in with the whimsical and grim illustrations in artist Nicole Gordon's Dehydrated Rainbow exhibit. Currently on view at the Corey Helford Gallery in Los Angeles through August 12, the exhibit includes a handful of pieces featuring the teacup motif. They're part of landscapes that have bright colors but are at odds with the usual scenes one finds at amusement parks. Gordon said in a release, "The spinning teacup ride is something so joyful and so innocent, but also so terrifying and sickening. I think it is something most people can relate to visually."

"Night Start"

Yep. This artist gets me. You can view a sampling of other teacup pieces from the exhibit in the gallery below. Visit Gordon's website to view more of her creations. Do you create any sort of pop culture-inspired art? If so, I want to see it. Whether you focus on a specific fandom or pull inspiration from multiple stories and mediums, I'd like to highlight what you do. If you're interested in being featured in a future edition of Fan Art Friday, get in touch with me at alratcliffe@yahoo.com with examples of your work. If you're not an artist, feel free to email me with recommendations for Fan Art Friday!

Images: Nicole Gordon