Now that the new year has arrived, many men and women are heading to the gym so they can get back into the shape. But what if the Disney Princesses also wanted to work out in 2017? That’s the premise of a new parody video starring a few very familiar faces as modernized and a little bit hipster versions of Disney’s iconic Princesses.Blogilates‘ Cassey Ho co-wrote and co-stars as Pocahontas in the recently posted “Disney Princesses Try Working Out” video. The short features one of our favorite musicians, Lindsey Stirling, as Ariel from The Little Mermaid; with Justine Ezarik (iJustine) as Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Rosanna Pansino as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and Lilly Singh (iiSuperwomanii) as Jasmine from Aladdin.
As it turns out, Pocahontas’ personal preferences clashed with the rules of the gym, while Jasmine’s tiger freaked out the front desk clerk (Casey Breves). Ariel was a bit too enthusiastic about the whole experience, and she may be a sneaker thief; while Aurora lived up to her nickname and slept through most of the experience. As for Belle, she was in true beast mode.Kenta Seki also had a small role as Shang from Mulan, but the Disney Princesses were much too hard to handle even for this hardened workout warrior. It’s a very funny short, but we particularly loved Ariel’s tendency to breakout into song at a moment’s notice.What did you think about the Disney Princesses workout video? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!
Image: Blogilates