Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of MadnessOpens in a new tab will soon be upon us. And as with any good superhero sequel worth its salt, it brings a bit of a costume upgrade. And with that costume upgrade, there always comes a cool new action figure to show it off in great detail. Thanks to Japanese toy company S.H. FiguartsOpens in a new tab, a new deluxe action figure of the Master of the Mystic Arts will soon arrive. It’s scheduled to arrive right before the movie does in spring 2022.
This newest action figure of Stephen StrangeOpens in a new tab has immaculate details, and truly captures the likeness of Benedict Cumberbatch. Standing at 160mm in height, perhaps the coolest feature of all is Stange’s cloth cape. Thanks to a built-in wire, owners can pose the figure to appear as if Strange if floating. You can check out this amazing new toy right here:

So what exactly are the differences in Doctor Strange’s newest on-screen costume? Longtime Marvel Comics fans will notice the light blue symbol on Strange’s tunic is just like the one he’s been wearing in the comics since 1963. For whatever reason, Marvel Studios chose not to give him that in his previous films. Now, they’re honoring Steve Ditko’s original designOpens in a new tab a little bit more.

Seeing how Sam Raimi is such a huge fan of the classic comic books, it’s no surprise he added in that costume detail. Remember, Sam Raimi name-dropped Doctor Strange as far back as Spider-Man 2! Interestingly enough, we’ve barely seen Strange’s signature yellow gloves on screen. They appeared only briefly at the end of the first Doctor Strange movie and in Thor: Ragnarok. And it looks like he won’t wear them in Multiverse of Madness either.

This newest Doctor Strange figure will primarily be available via retailers in Japan. But we expect they will make it available to fans in North America too. It retails for around $69 and arrives in April. For more information and images, be sure to click on this linkOpens in a new tab.