DEAD BOY DETECTIVES Is Cancelled, No Season Two at Netflix

Another streaming service show bites the dust. It seems like there’s a new show cancellation every day and it’s rather upsetting for fans. We’ve all gotten invested into some new journey only to be left without a tidy conclusion or hanging on a narrative cliff forever. The latest show to be cancelled is Dead Boy Detectives, which only ran one season on Netflix. The eight episode series seemed to resonate with fans and even spent a couple of weeks on Netflix’s top ten list for English programming. And, according to Variety, the show was well-received by critics.

Dead Boy Detectives New Look from Netflix - main characters and cat

But that apparently wasn’t enough. Dead Boy Detectives is cancelled and will not get a season two at Netflix. As usual, we will never truly know the reason why. But at least fans of The Sandman universe can take comfort in knowing that series will return for another season.

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