The multiverse inhabited by Rick and MortyOpens in a new tab is extremely entertaining to watch, but it also presents the fairly cynical POV of Rick Sanchez. One of the recurring themes in the series is that nothing really matters at all. “Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die.” What does it say when this is the show’s most affecting line? Quite a bit, according to series co-creator Dan HarmonOpens in a new tab.Adult Swim has posted a new Rick and Morty video in which Harmon talks about the underlying themes and meanings behind the series. In it, Harmon says that Rick is “the seam between God and man,” and points out that the show has continuously revisited the theme of Rick’s indifference towards his creations. Harmon also mentions the “terrifying” idea that God is an impersonal cosmic force that doesn’t care about its creations, just like Rick.
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Despite the show constantly mocking Jerry’s ineptitude, Harmon suggests that Rick’s soon to be ex-son-in-law may actually be the happier of the two men. Jerry can enjoy the small moments whereas Rick has actually attempted to commit suicide at least once in the series. In the grand scheme of things, Harmon agrees that nothing is truly important. But he adds that once you accept that nothing matters, then “every place is the center of the universe, and every moment is the most important moment, and everything is the meaning of life.”If you’re looking for something even more life-affirming out of this video, the ending reveals that the new season of Rick and Morty is coming this summer.What do you think about Harmon’s take on meaning within Rick and Morty? Let us know in the comment section below!Image: Adult Swim
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