YouTuber and portable console builder GmanModz recently released a build video for a portable Nintendo 64, which utilizes tech from the real console and looks like a giant Game Boy Advance. And while the build clearly demonstrates some genius-level design, one can’t help but lament the fact it’s not available for purchase, especially while we’re all quarantined and desperate for distraction.
Gizmodo picked up on GmanModz’ build, which he’s dubbed the “N64 SP.” Gman (the builder’s shorter, preferred moniker) says that the concept for this particular portable N64 arose from a desire to trim down and use an original motherboard from an N64 console inside of a portable N64. It seems modders in the portable N64 community — which is probably a lot more extensive than you’d think — have been trying to figure out a way to trim down the N64’s motherboard for portable units for years, but have been unsuccessful.

A look inside of Gman’s N64 SP
Gman dives into the steps he was required to take cut down on the N64 console motherboard (found in a lot more detail here), but the important thing for most of us to know is that this breakthrough allows for the construction of a real, complete, genuinely portable N64. Other portable N64 units made by modders utilize less apt computers, like a Raspberry Pi. Unlike the portable N64s that use a Raspberry Pi or other, similar computers, GManModz’s build allows a player to play the full version of literally any N64 game.
GMan has also made a portable Sega Dreamcast
In the video, GMan says that it’s been one of his dreams to make a portable N64 with a functioning game cartridge slot and the particular way he trimmed the console’s motherboard allows for that. GMan was so excited by the idea, in fact, he designed the actual portable console to look like an N64 cartridge. Although we still think it looks like a Game Boy Advance thanks to that clamshell design. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is what’s on the inside, and how well one’s motherboard is trimmed.
What do you think about this portable N64 console? Would you shut up and buy this handheld gaming device if it were available for purchase, or are you good with your Game Boy Advance? Blow the dust off your opinions and load them into the comments!
Featured Image: GmanModz