Crocheted Glow-in-the-Dark Slimer Costume Is GHOSTBUSTERS Gloriousness

It wasn't very long ago that we told you about a mom out of Cleveland, Ohio named Stephanie Pokorny (known on Twitter as Crochetverse) who brought her six year-old son’s Predator-inspired Halloween costume to the world's attention. But the Predator costume was actually only one of several killer costumes for her kid which she crocheted herself, which included other pop culture favorites like Harry Potter and E.T., and even Pennywise the Clown from It.

Now, via Laughing Squid, we've learned that this candidate for world's coolest mom ever has done another deep dive into classic '80s pop culture for her latest crocheted costume, as she made an outfit inspired by the gluttonous green ghost Slimer from the original Ghostbusters movie, and of course from The Real Ghostbusters animated series as well. Making this costume her pièce de résistance, though, is that this Slimer actually glows in the dark, after she brushed the fabric with a coat of luminescent paint.
Considering how much Slimer seemed to love to pig out on all kinds of goodies on the Real Ghostbusters cartoon, he makes for probably the most appropriate Halloween costume ever when it comes time to go out looking for candy on Halloween night. While I'm not sure how well this child can see while wearing this kick ass outfit, at least being glow-in-the-dark ensures everyone else can see him. Not a bad bonus feature when hitting the neighborhood trick or treating. Just be sure to steer clear of any suspicious looking men wearing unlicensed nuclear accelerators on their backs, kiddo!Is this Slimer costume the coolest kid's costume you've ever seen or what? Be sure to let us know what you think down below in the comments.

Images: Sony Pictures