If you consider yourself a Critter, chances are you’ve heard of the fan site Crit Role Stats. If you’ve never stopped by the fan site before, get ready to fall down the Critical Role rabbit hole for the next few hours.
Crit Role Stats describes itself as a blog that “[keeps] track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role.”
They’re not kidding. From continually up-to-date Vox Machina character sheets, to every time someone has rolled a natural 20, to all of Scanlan’s songs (arguably the best section), the amount of work Crit Role Stats puts into the site is simply incredible.
Their latest effort is no less amazing. Putting together the clues and lore from the NPCs Vox Machina has encountered in their travels, What We Know About Thordak paints an almost complete picture of The Cinder King, one of the greatest villains DM Matthew Mercer has created on Critical Role.
[Possible spoilers for Critical Role follow.]

As we learned in “A Traveler’s Gamble,” the city of Ank’Harel is very familiar with Thordak, The Cinder King. The red dragon once ruled an army centuries earlier, J’mon Sa Ord tells Vox Machina, but when it dared to attack the city, it was driven away and defeated. “If this is the same beast you say, then it is uncanny it could survive such an encounter,” says J’mon Sa Ord. “And I would say it is even more dangerous, having learned from these past struggles.”
But this is just a small tidbit of the dragon’s past. Crit Role Stats has gathered information from other encounters Vox Machina has had related to Thordak, and pieced The Cinder King’s history together in their excellent summary.
Visit Crit Role Stats to read What We Know About Thordak and learn about The Cinder King’s long history yourself. And don’t forget to watch Critical Role every Thursday night on Twitch to find out what the future holds for Thordak, the Chroma Conclave, and the intrepid Vox Machina.
What’s your favorite section on Crit Role Stats? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image: Wizards of the Coast
Other image: Antmageddon