Cosplay Friday #207 – Fan Expo Dallas Edition

Convention season is in full swing. (Though I don’t know if it ever isn’t these days.) Some sort of expo, gathering, or celebration seems to be happening every weekend. The size and attendance levels at events may differ, but the enthusiasm attendees bring to the party doesn’t. You’ll find dedicated cosplayers at every level, and they always bring their A game. That definitely happened at the recent Fan Expo Dallas.

This installment of Cosplay Friday is focused on a few cosplayers from the convention, including this impressive Thanos:


Thanos (Marvel Comics) | Cosplayed by Nick Glover

Take a jump to the gallery below to view a couple costumes inspired by Game of Thrones (there’s a Night King, yo) and a stylin’ Deadpool. Each cosplayer’s Cosmunity page is linked in the captions so you can go view more of their work if you wish.

Do you cosplay or take photographs of cosplayers? Then I want to see your work so we can talk about highlighting your creations in a future Cosplay Friday gallery. If you’re a photographer, maybe we could focus on your images from a single convention. If you’re interested, please get in touch with me at and send photos you’d like me to feature–the more high-res the photos, the better. Be sure to provide credits for the cosplayers or photographers for each image because giving credit is good manners–bonus points if you include links to relevant Facebook pages or websites. Though I wish I knew all the nerdy franchises, I don’t, so please let me know who or what is being cosplayed.

Featured Image: Courtesy of Nick Glover