One of the reasons we hope shopping malls never go away completely is that you can't get a photo on Santa's lap over the Internet -- not an un-Photoshopped one, anyway. Even if you don't have kids, more upscale malls in recent years have embraced the notion of the "Hot Santa" for more adult pics, who's usually a Chippendales-ish muscular dude with the familiar holiday hat, but no beard or shirt. Now, technically it was Prince Adam who donned the Santa garb (complete with thicc daddy fake belly) in the infamous He-Man and She-Ra Christmas special back in the '80s, but much of the Eternian holiday merchandise made since then has depicted his alter ego making merry. More importantly, perhaps, it's an easier image to make a toy of, and this year, Super7 has done just that.
Coming complete with snow-covered box art and a candy-cane power sword, all covered in Masters of the Universe wrapping paper, "Holiday He-Man" will go on sale this Cyber Monday, November 26th, at around noon, and ship in time for Christmas. All your single action figures will appreciate the photo ops. And maybe if it does well, next year we can get smiling Skeletor with his magic space puppy. (Don't ask. Watch it, if you like, but don't ask.)Does Castle Grayskull even have a chimney? Would you want He-Man coming down yours? Let us know in comments if this is the toy power you'll be ordering for the holiday season.
Image: Filmation