Christine McConnell Moves into a Real Haunted Mansion

You may know the graceful goth goddess Christine McConnell from Netflix’s one-of-a-kind baking show The Curious Creations of Christine McConnellIf you thought she couldn’t be any more gloriously spooky and unusual, just wait until you lay eyes on her new haunted mansion in New York state. We are already obsessed.

Christine McConnell

Christine McConnell

McConnell is well-known for creepy crafting and intricate baking creations. She has moved from her sunny California home to the East Coast to live out her dream of residing in a gothic mansion, and she’s taking her audience along for the ride.

She and her husband purchased the house without stepping foot in it, having fallen in love just from photos. It’s easy to see why. Not only is the sprawling property the stuff haunted dreams are made of, stepping through the doors is like stepping back through time.

During the tour of the home, McConnell revealed a lot of fun tidbits about the house. Originally built in the 1800s, the home stayed with the same family for years. It’s only changed hands twice since then. After a couple used it as a bed and breakfast, a conservator purchased the house and kept it empty but maintained for 20 years. It now belongs to McConnell, and it seems like the spooky house was absolutely made for her.

Christine McConnell

Christine McConnell

McConnell offers a candlelit walkthrough of her new home for her subscribers on Patreon, which you can follow along by subscribing to. Inside she shows off a maze of rooms, from the belfry to the basement, many complete with original furniture from the 19th century. The drawers and closets still hold items worn and used by the first owners. If their ghosts do reside in the mansion, we imagine they’re thrilled to meet the amazing people they’ll be happily haunting. And the feeling is mutual.

Her many plans for the sprawling house include adding a modern kitchen, which it currently lacks, adding secret rooms and eerie decor, and much more. Preserving the house’s history is a priority. McConnell will be chronicling her journey on YouTube and Patreon, and we can’t wait to see what her creative and creepy mind comes up with.

Featured Image: Christine McConnell

Kelly Knox is a freelance entertainment writer in Seattle, WA who writes for Star Wars, DC Comics, and more. Follow her on Twitter.

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