The Canceled Live-Action POWERPUFF GIRLS Series Trailer Surfaces and It’s Bizarre

In the dark year known as 2020, The CW raised many eyebrows by announcing a live-action Powerpuff Girls series. There are many animated shows that could feasibly work with actual actors, but that show certainly wasn’t one of them. At least, not in a way that any of us could imagine would be good and believable. And it seems we were right because it was cancelled after filming it. Since then, we’ve had many other things to think about. But now the trailer for The CW’s canceled live-action Powerpuff Girls series is in the universe and good lord is it not good. 

Listen, I love Donald Faison just as much as anyone else. The same goes for Dove Cameron, with whom I am very familiar via the Descendants franchise. (Ease up off of me, I have two kids!) They are both great and endearing and all that.


Live-Action POWERPUFF GIRLS No Longer in Development

I’m not as familiar with the other two actresses but I have no ill will against them at all. I’m sure they all did their best with the material given to them, which obviously wasn’t awesome.

EDITORS NOTE: Warner Bros keeps taking down the videos, so we’ll keep looking for replacements.

But this trailer for the canceled live-action Powerpuff Girls trailer is not good by any stretch of the imagination. It seems more like an SNL skit than a real series. It also somehow misses the point that the Professor was trying to create three normal girls but things went awry and he ended up with superpowered sweeties instead. It is truly baffling. While there are many canceled series that deserved more time, this is a choice that was probably for the best.

image from powerpuff girls canceled live-action series trailer
The CW

It remains to be seen if this trailer even stays online or not. I’d imagine The CW doesn’t care anymore and, if anything, might be cool with people seeing why the company chose to ax the series. Either way, here’s your weird thing for today. You’re welcome!