ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT Season 5 Will Be a Murder Mystery

We've known for a bit now that the fifth season of Arrested Development is on its way, but we're still in the dark about what's actually going to be taking place in the upcoming episodes. Season four was a pretty high-concept piece of television, with multiple timelines and episodes that didn't feature all of the Bluths we've come to know and tolerate, so we've long wondered if season five would take a similar route, or get back to basics. For now, at least have some inkling of what the plot will be about (via Flavorwire). Jason Bateman spoke with Entertainment Weekly Radio yesterday and said that the main theme of the season is based on a murder mystery:

"The central spine of that story of is the death of Liza Minnelli’s character, and a bit of whodunit ... That’s sort of a central thread around which [creator Mitch Hurwitz] is going to braid in all the colorful plot complications that he knows how to do."
Bateman did also speak to the complicated fourth season, saying that the Netflix format experiment "didn’t really come together as well as [Mitch Hurwitz] wanted it to." Thankfully, per Bateman's words, season five looks to be correcting one of its predecessor's biggest shortcomings: "[We're] really excited that we get to be together in these." In other words, seeing all the Bluths interacting with each other as they did in the heyday of the series should be a huge step up for season five.

So what do you think of how the new season is shaping up? Were you into the fourth season, or do you prefer a more traditional format? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Featured image: Netflix