First AQUAMAN Reactions Indicate a Fun, Wild Undersea Adventure

We've consumed the various trailers and extended previews for James Wan's upcoming Aquaman film starring Jason Momoa more than a few times with excitement, and now, we have our very first reactions for the latest entry in the DCEU based on early screenings. So is this aquatic adventure another Wonder Woman or another Justice League? It appears as if this one is a winner for DC, as the early reactions are claiming this one is a wildly imaginative blast.These social media reactions are not full reviews, but they should give fans an idea of what to expect from Wan's colorful undersea superhero epic. Some of our favorites:

Some of the reactions were a bit more tempered, but even they can't seem to deny the movie's "Swing for the fences" over-the-top charm.Do these early reactions have you pumped for the King of the Seven Seas first solo film? Be sure to let us know your thoughts down below in the comments.

Images: Warner Brothers