The first official trailer for the upcoming horror comedy, set to a special rendition of “Twas’ the Night Before Christmas,” introduces us to a small town facing annihilation from a zombie apocalypse during the most wonderful time of the year. That forces Ella Hunt’s Anna and her friends “to fight, slash, and sing their way to safety” as they battle the walking dead. However, “they soon discover that no one is safe in this new world, and with civilization falling apart around them, the only people they can truly rely on are each other.” It’s a film that combines three very distinct types of movies.
We’ve been looking forward to this unlikely genre-mashup ever since our Kristy Puchko described it as “if Glee and Shaun of the Dead gave birth to a bouncing baby in the thick of Christmas time” after seeing it at last year’s Fantastic Fest. Because even though we’ve never asked Santa for a zombie Christmas musical, we really want one.
Anna and the Apocalypse, directed by John McPhail, opens in select theaters November 30, and nationwide on December 7.
What did you think of this trailer? What are you most excited about? Gift us your thoughts on the movie in our comments section below.
Featured Image: Orion Pictures