For the past few years, it's been pretty quiet in the small town of Pawnee, Indiana. At the very least, we haven't heard much from the wildly unhealthy community since Parks and Recreation finished its farewell season in 2015. There's no more Leslie Knope, no more Ron Swanson, but what there is more of is good news, because while there's no word of a Parks and Rec reunion, Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman are coming back together and returning to NBC for a new endeavor called Making It, a competition show where contestants make things out of some unexpected materials. Basically, it's the Great British Bake-Off of crafting.
In a new promo video for the show, Poehler and Offerman square off, not in a competition of creation, but a contest of words. Seated in Adirondack chairs facing each other, the two go back and forth trading some groan-worthy and/or hilarious puns. "Y'all thready for this," Poehler begins, cracking Offerman up with her first joke of the day. Admittedly, they peaked early, although they both got a few solid jabs in during the remainder of the video: "I felt that one," Offerman deadpanned after one of Poehler's barbs. What's nice about the show is that is seems to be a real passion project for both Offerman and Poehler: Offerman has long shown an interest in using his hands to make things, while Poehler is a co-founder of Amy Poehler's Smart Girls, a Nerdist sister website that encourages girls and women to be bold and creative. Will you be watching Making It? Let us know what you think down in the comments!
Featured Image: NBC