It’s amazing what a billion dollar box office return can do for a franchise some thought hopeless after Justice LeagueOpens in a new tab disappointed, but Aquaman‘s tidal wave of success has rejuvenated the DCEU. Today Warner Bros. looked to build on the renewed excitement in its own cinematic universe of superheroes, by flying high with the first look at Birds of PreyOpens in a new tab. The initial glimpse at the film, which will see Suicide Squad standout Margot Robbie return as Harley QuinnOpens in a new tab, was only 20 seconds long and appears to be made up entirely of character test footage, rather than any clips. However, it was jam-packed with all of the movie’s important heroes, villains, and people who fall somewhere in-between. That wasn’t all it revealed though, and on today’s Nerdist NewsOpens in a new tab we have the eight hidden details you might have missed.
Host Jessica Chobot and our eagle-eyed team show you everything we found when we slowed down the fast-paced first teaser and everything it revealed. From the costumes the cast is wearing, to what features they do – and don’t – seem to be spotting, this teaser might not just show us the tone of the film and how it will differ from the comics, it might give us an idea of when we’ll meet the heroes and villains during their respective careers.
It is possible Chris Messina and Ewan McGregor’s faces aren’t covered in masks and scars because someone realized that would be shortsighted, but with the women they’ll be going up against we doubt that will last.
But what do you think? Do you like the updated look of the movie, or wish it were closer to the comics? Fly into our comments section below and share your thoughts with us.