Last week, we shared our ideas for 5 Franchises We Want Adapted Into D&D Games. You agreed with most of them and enthusiastically shared your thoughts on franchises you wanted to see as tabletop roleplaying games. You also made it pretty clear that these games don’t necessarily need to use the Dungeons & Dragons-specific d20 system. As all gamers know, with a bit of creativity, you can form a system for just about any world you want. Systems like Savage Worlds and GURPS, have made it especially easy to devise unique worlds.
Well not every game master has the kind of time to adapt a custom system. So what are your top picks that you want made into official RPGs?
The Elder Scrolls

The Elder Scrolls tops the list for many reasons. It’s a high fantasy that offers both classical and atypical races; as well as a multitude of continents, factions, combat styles, and religions. Since 1994, the lore has become utterly massive. So massive, that you could spend over 100 hours playing Skyrim without ever touching the main plot. All the details for a great roleplaying system are there. Now, it just needs to be built. There is an unofficial d20 homebrew system, but it would be amazing to see Bethesda team up with an experienced RPG publisher.

Much like The Elder Scrolls, Fallout offers a highly detailed world to make into your roleplaying sandbox. Fallout: New Vegas project director J.E. Sawyer actually created his own Fallout RPG system, but it’s unofficial. This series offers a twisted dystopia you can build up or destroy. The setting takes the concept of a post World War II alternate universe where the transistor was never invented and everything is kind of stuck in a 1950s Cold War Americana mentality with some high-tech weaponry. Oh, and those Vaults that were supposed to protect and repopulate America? Well they weren’t as innocent as everyone expected. Fallout‘s setting offers story flexibility for journeys of self-discovery, mystery, and battling ultimate evil.

You’re a ninja, Harry! Naruto makes for a fun choice because even though everyone is a human-esque ninja…..EVERYONE IS A HUMAN-ESQUE NINJA! If you can think of a ninjustu power, then you can do it. You could build powers and belief systems based on your clan. You can train to learn new skills and go on missions to level up. There are plenty of evil forces and rivals to serve as antagonists.
The Witcher

The Witcher makes for a good tabletop game because it offers a solid base lore and flexibility in character creation. You could have a game full of genetically enhanced Witchers, each with their own specialties. The party can affiliate themselves with the Scoia’tael or the Order of the Flaming Rose or neither. But beyond the monsters lies the complexity of the moral choices. No decision should ever be easy, which makes The Witcher an excellent choice for players looking for a dark and highly dramatic narrative.
Legend of Zelda

Because who wouldn’t want to quest through Hyrule for the Triforce? A Legend of Zelda game would be ideal for a lighthearted adventure for players who enjoy exploration by land, air, or sea. It would also be a smart choice for younger players or those looking to create a “good” aligned party of heroes. The lore is available to flesh out the world, but it’s not so complicated that failing to grasp the details wouldn’t spoil the fun. Just don’t come crying to us when your GM makes you traverse the Water Temple.
What kinds of adventures would you want in these worlds? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Image credits: Bethesda, Viz Media, CD Projeckt Red, Nintendo