An Official Statement from Nerdist

Update (8/13/18):

Last week, our parent company completed its investigation into the allegations against Chris Hardwick and issued a statement on our site that reinstated a mention of Hardwick as the founder of Nerdist, which is factually true. This statement is not intended to imply any change in our ongoing support of women and victims, nor does it change our business relationship with Hardwick, which concluded in 2017.

Our shows and stories are created by a team of people dedicated to making nerd culture and the internet a more positive, inclusive, and thoughtful place. We hope to continue to embody that mission with our content, our community, and most importantly, our actions.

There are many ways that you can help a friend or loved one who has been affected by abuse and violence. Violence and abuse can have psychological, emotional, and physical effects on a survivor. These effects aren’t always easy to deal with, but with the right help and support they can be managed. There are resources and support available at the bottom of this page.

Update (8/10/18): Following an internal investigation conducted with the assistance of outside employment counsel into Mr. Hardwick’s conduct while employed at Nerdist we have made the determination to restore the reference to Mr. Hardwick as a founder of Nerdist.

Nerdist prides itself on being an inclusive company made up of a positive, diverse community of people who come together to share, celebrate, and discuss the things we love. We absolutely do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, and other forms of abuse.

There are many ways you can help a friend or loved one who has been affected by abuse. There are resources and support available:

-National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (Free and confidential. 24/7.)

-Crisis Text Hotline: Text HOME to 741741 for free, 24/7 crisis support in the US.

-RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) offers a National Sexual Assault Online Hotline to chat one-on-one with a trained RAINN support specialist, any time 24/7:

-National Suicide Prevention Hotline: call 1-800-273-8255, 24/7.

-If you are outside the U.S., an inventory of international domestic violence and abuse agencies is available on the Rape Crisis Network Europe:

Our parent company, Legendary issued this statement:

“Chris Hardwick had no operational involvement with Nerdist for the two years preceding the expiration of his contract in December 2017. He no longer has any affiliation with Legendary Digital Networks. The company has removed all reference to Mr. Hardwick even as the original Founder of Nerdist pending further investigation.”