Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of where all your favorite series are streaming. Especially with all the recent confusion happening in the realm of streaming platforms. But Viz Media wants to make it easier for you to find all your favorite anime shows. Now, you can stream and watch popular anime, such as Naruto, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, and more, for free right on YouTube. For most people, that sure will cut down on some of the confusion and the apps that they need to watch their favs.
To make it even easier, Viz Media has organized playlists for their different shows. We’ve linked to them below:
If you really can’t wait to watch all these anime series though, we’ve also left the very first episode of Sailor Moon below.
That’s number one out of 238 available episodes of this anime. (And the other playlists aren’t much shorter.) So we hope you’ve carved out some time this afternoon. Having a place to watch free anime can be a blessing and a curse.