Notes everywhere, plans destroyed, and there you are sitting behind your GM screen sweating bullets as the rest of your friends stare blankly at you. Sometime you have to wonder, “What would Matt Mercer do in this situation?”
We can’t help you there. But thanks to Syrinscape, Critical Role, and Geek & Sundry; you can bring a bit of Matt with you into every campaign with the Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role: Goblin Raid SoundPackOpens in a new tab. Now all the rain splatters, gas releases, and a couple of choice NPCs will be at your fingertips.
For those of you out there not familiar with SyrinscapeOpens in a new tab, it’s an easy-to-use app that allows you to bring sound effects, music, stings, and more to your RPG night to crank up the realism. Fights now get that thumping soundtrack that keeps players on edge. Seemingly abandoned caves come alive with drips and the soft sound of wind. Markets feel filled with bustling people hawking their wears and a little something extra to hint that there may be someone lurking in the shadows. You can download the app today and give it a try without spending a dime.
If you want to see the system in action, check out Critical Role’s Pathfinder One-Shot “To The Poop – The GoblinsOpens in a new tab.” To bring a little more Critical Role into your campaign, the Goblin Raid SoundPack also includes three of Mercer’s NPCs to call up in a moment’s notice. You’ll be able to command Victor, the black powder salesman; Nostoc Greyspine, the gravelly dwarf miner; and Drez Vina, the smooth, aloof elf.
The Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role: Goblin Raid SoundPackOpens in a new tab is available on Syrinscape for $14.99 or as part of the SuperSyrin Subscription that completely unlocks all of Syrinscape’s content for $10/month. The award-winning Syrinscape apps bring fantastic, realistic sound to tabletop gaming. You can try everything out with the 30 day free trial at in a new tab, which includes two free SoundSets to keep after you’re demo is up.