This Disney parody song will get steak and eggs stuck in your brain

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Warning! This song is about to be that earworm you don’t want to get rid of and that will likely have you craving eggs and steak. In the style of every Disney song that tells you exactly what the character is doing as it’s being done (here’s looking at you “Whistle While You Work“), “Steak & Eggs” is a timeless classic–well, it will be. Watch the story unfold before your eyes below.

What started out as a Snapchat video has become a YouTube sensation inspiring fan art, spin-off stories, and more. Aaron Ridge is a talented artist and/or a yummy breakfast cook who made a funny Snapchat video that people seemed to enjoy, so he put it up on YouTube. Once it hit Reddit, the internet went crazy and well, here are the results.


Image Credit: Reddit / sokatovie

Like every Disney song, this breakfast needs a happily ever after. So someone came up with a backstory and then someone else drew it because the internet is a beautiful place.


Image Credit: Reddit/ numskan

And what does every prince charming who cooks a meal of steak and eggs need? A cape of course! So someone created that too. What a talented bunch lives out there on the internet.


Image Credit: Reddit / LordMcMutton

Wow. With a catchy song and some creativity, the next Disney prince is born. And it all started with a Snapchat story. So spend the rest of the day thinking about “Steak & Eggs,” then go home and get this song stuck in everyone’s head. Or, create your own Snapchat hit to finally stop craving steak and eggs!

What Disney parody song do you want to see next? Let’s come up with some ideas in the comments!

Featured Image Credit: Reddit / sokatovie