Nerdist News

What’s Really Happening in WandaVision? (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey)

If you’ve been tuning into WandaVision, you probably have more than a few questions. From Vision seemingly returning from the dead, to Wanda suddenly giving birth to twins, the mysteries surrounding the bizarre town of Westview and its citizens are the driving force behind the series. So put on your Vibranium-foil hats as Dan attempts to uncover the truth about what exactly is happening in WandaVision.

Special thanks to Rosie Knight for her help with today’s show.

Want more WandaVision? We’ve got you covered.

Read Rosie’s deep-dive on what’s really happening in WandaVision:
The WandaVision Dormammu theory explained:
Will WandaVision bring Quicksilver back?
