Lifelike ADVENTURE TIME Ice King and Lemongrab Busts Are Kinda Creepy

Adventure Time‘s Ice King has his moments and, like most villains, a tragic backstory. He’s misunderstood to some degree, sure, but the bearded dude has also kidnapped a whole lot of princesses in his time–which is decidedly not cool. His general buffoonery and wacky appearance help temper his less flattering qualities, but this bizarrely beautiful realistic bust by professional FX artist Adam Edwards brings the realism home. He brings the Ice King to startling life, and the character looks a little sad. Behold:

Ice King Build Process

Laughing Squid brought this imaginative creation to our attention. Edwards shared his build process on Imgur, so you can keep flipping through the above album to watch the transformation. He sculpted, molded, cast, and painted the Ice King bust by hand. I’m blown away (and kind of grossed out, if we’re being honest) by the texture and translucency of the skin.

And it’s not Edwards’ first time making a lifelike bust of an animated character from Adventure Time. He tackled the sour Lemongrab in 2016:

Yeah, he nailed it. The texture and shading make the lemon-y character look worthy of squeezing over some freshly grilled salmon. I’m pretty sure those eyes (made by Richard Martin) are staring into my soul–and not in a romantic way.

Which other Adventure Time characters would you like to see translated to a real life human look? Share in the comments.

Featured Image: Cartoon Network