YELLOWJACKETS Season 3, Episode 6 Recap: New Revelations & Questions From ‘Thanksgiving (Canada)’

We’re past the halfway mark on Yellowjackets season three, and the season’s biggest surprise just hit. And now, we’re not talking about yet another major death on Yellowjackets or a new Queen emerging in the wilderness, although all these things did happen on Yellowjackets season three, episode five. What we’re thinking about is a major twist that changes everything about the Yellowjackets’ time in the wilderness so far. Here’s our recap of Yellowjackets season three, episode six, and the biggest revelations and questions from “Thanksgiving (Canada)”

Spoiler Alert

Revelations From the Yellowjackets Season 3, Episode 6—“Thanksgiving (Canada)”

Past Timeline: Shauna and Melissa Are a Couple (And Jackie’s Ghost Is Lurking)

Shauna and Melissa are seen being affectionate and emerging from the same tent in Yellowjackets latest season three episode. We love a romance between two of the most toxic people you’ll ever meet. However, Melissa does have an uncanny resemblance to Jackie, which is something that Van and Tai point out. We wonder how that will come into play between the two of them.

Past Timeline: Nat Killed Coach Ben

RIP Coach Ben. You truly did not deserve to die in this way, but we guess it was nicer than wasting away. After Akilah declared Coach Ben the team’s “bridge home,” he was spared execution. But his heel was cut, and he was trapped in the pen with animals. Wanting to just die, Ben begs Nat to kill him, and eventually, she does exactly that. We’re not sure we liked how this storyline played out, but it does go some way to explain how haunted Nat becomes in that future.

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Past Timeline: Shauna Is Now Queen of the Yellowjackets and the Wilderness Leader

Before blood can be shed over Nat killing Coach Ben without getting permission from the rest of the team, Lottie declares Shauna the next Queen or Wilderness leader in Yellowjackets season three, episode six. This is what Shauna has wanted all along, and she magnanimously pardons Nat for her transgressions, punishing her by making her dismember and cook Coach Ben but not by killing her. “We’re still a team,” Shauna says. Maybe Shauna will be mollified by being declared Queen, but we don’t know if we want to live in a Shauna-run society.

Past Timeline: Winter Is Coming

On Yellowjackets season three’s sixth episode, we learn the nights in the wilderness are getting colder. That means summer is almost over and winter will be back soon. The last winter the Yellowjackets experienced was brutal and led to murder and cannibalism. But now they have furs, food, and shelters, also known as fun huts. Still, it sends a chill up our spine to know warm days are almost at an end.

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Past Timeline: Someone Else Is in the Wilderness with the Yellowjackets

Dun, dun, dun!!! Someone has found the Yellowjackets in the wilderness, two people to be exact. We don’t get to see them interact with the team yet. But a man and woman do find their camp… and their severed head. That’s a doozy of a plot twist.

Present Timeline: Lottie Gave $50,000 to Lisa

The biggest revelation we get in the present timeline during Yellowjackets season three, episode six, is that Lottie took out $50,000 before her death in order to give to Lisa, an ex-member of Lottie’s cult. It looks like Lisa was not involved in her death, but did Lottie know she was going to meet her end when she gave Lisa the cash? Only time will tell.

Questions From the Yellowjackets Season 3, Episode 6—“Thanksgiving (Canada)”

Past Timeline: Did Yellowjackets Season Three, Episode Five Reveal How the Survivors Will Escape the Wilderness?

The most important reveal in Yellowjackets season three, episode six comes right at the end of the episode. As the girls are dancing and honoring the wilderness, a person appears! Yes, someone from the outside world has found the Yellowjackets. Is this how the team will get rescued? It feels like the first step in getting back home.

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Past Timeline: Did Coach Scott Burn Down the Yellowjackets’ Cabin?

Coach Ben confesses to burning down the Yellowjackets cabin in season two. Ben says he burned some rags and stuck them in the walls of the cabin, then he watched and waited for their screams. But is that true? It’s feeling like we may never know. Perhaps, like some other mysteries, we’ve seen on Yellowjackets, the answer is just that the cabin caught fire. Hrm….

Past Timeline: Are the Creatures Really Screeching on Yellowjackets Season 3? And Do Akilah’s Visions Mean Anything?

We get more screeching creature noises and more Akilah visions in “Thanksgiving (Canada)”—but are those noises really there? And do Akilah’s Wilderness visions really mean anything? Travis doesn’t seem to think so, and he’s looking guiltier and qualities every day. Are Akilah’s visions just more wishful thinking from the group that Travis accidentally manifested? It seems like that may be the case. But we’ll have to see

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Present Timeline: What Is on the Tape Shauna Was Sent?

Callie finally lets Shauna know about the tape she was sent, marked by a wilderness symbol. Shauna, Tai, and Van manage to play the DAT tape, but we only get to hear snatches of it. What we can make out is a scared woman’s voice at the beginning and then a lot of howling at the end, with a very intense scream of “No!” All the adult Yellowjackets are shaken by this and say, “The only people that even know about this are either us or dead.” But what exactly is there to know about? It certainly seems like it’s something that incriminates the Yellowjackets, especially Shauna, in some less-than-stellar behavior.

Present Timeline: Why Did Tai See Lottie on the Day of Her Death?

Lisa tells Misty that Lottie saw Tai on the day of her death, something Tai obviously has not revealed. Why did they meet? And did Tai have anything to do with Lottie’s death on Yellowjackets season three?

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Present Timeline: What Is Wrong with Tai and What Was with the Freaky Phone Call Van Received on Yellowjackets Season 3, Episode 6?

Something is up with Tai, and we bet it’s related to other Tai. After hearing of Lottie’s death, Tai just wants to get massages at the spa and eat expensive food. She only begrudgingly agrees to help Shauna with her mystery tape. Later, Van receives a phone call from Tai on an ancient transparent phone that’s not plugged into anything at all. On the line, Tai asks for help, something she later repeats when she startles awake in the night. What’s wrong with Tai, and how long has the problem been going on?

Also, how could the phone have rung when it was not plugged into anything? Is this a sign there is magic at play on Yellowjackets season three?

Hopefully we’ll find out the answers to all these questions and more as Yellowjackets season three heads into its final stretch.

Previous Recaps: Premiere/Episodes One and Two, Episode Three, Episode Four, Episode Five