When Spider-Man (played by Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland) appeared in Captain America: Civil War, one of the most notable changes about the new Spidy vs. the older silver screen incarnations was his emotive eyes—which are possibly camera lenses. The shutter lenses or emotive eyes are the kind of effect that CGI can handle for a big-budget film, but for somebody like Spider-Man mega-nerd Lenses Factory HK, who’s definitely working with a smaller budget, it’s go practical or go home.
According to Lenses Factory HK’s Facebook page, “You can see, even if I’m singing, the lenses won’t move except [if] I trigger the mechanism behind the faceshell with my jaw…” Which is definitely ingenious, although there has to be some wear on your jaw after a few too many surprised! faces.
The masks with the shutter lenses will be available in April, and you can find more details on Lenses Factory’s Facebook page. He also apparently offers a ton of other variations on the suit and mask, although no word about any Hulkbuster suits.
What do you think about these real life mechanical Spider-Man shutter lenses? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Images: Sony Pictures/Marvel Studios
Don’t make web-shooters without watching this.
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