Christmas is over for 2020—almost done with you, you freakin’ year from Mustafar!—but light shows celebrating the holiday are still on full display. With the best shows being, of course, the ones that blend Christmas with Star Wars. Like the dazzling one below from Andy Harbeck, which not only features Baby Yoda, but also the ’70s disco version of the Star Wars main theme song.
Harbeck, who runs Harbeck Lights, posted the video to YouTube just in time for X(-wing)-mas. Like other lighting specialists who’ve put on shows recently, it seems Harbeck couldn’t help but be inspired by Star Wars. With Baby Yoda, unsurprisingly, being the subject of much luminous, flashing praise.
The light show, which Harbeck set up on and around a home in Pasadena, California, begins with the two most iconic Star Wars sound effects ever: Vader breathing, and lightsabers switching into the “stab it like it’s hot” position. Then, a pixel-animation board atop the house comes to life with a duel between Luke and Vader, which tees up the rest of the show.

Andy Harbeck
Highlights from the show include Baby Yoda hustling to the music, and a magical dance between pixel Rey and Kylo. Yoda also makes an appearance around a minute and forty seconds into the video. The lights dim, and the legendary Jedi Master delivers his “For my ally is the Force” speech from Episode V.
As for that Star Wars disco mix, it’s a track from the 1977 album, Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk by record producer, Meco. The track, “Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band” was so popular, it hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Immediately below, for posterity, is the full, original song. If it ruins the Star Wars theme song forever for you, we apologize. Disco, like a Force-wielder with a dark heart, can ruin a great many things.