Many people are turning to their favorite games to help pass the time while they’re stuck at home. The coronavirus pandemic is keeping us indoors, looking for ways to occupy ourselves. The Sims continues to be the ultimate fan favorite. The life simulation video games have sold over 200 million copies. So, a lot of us like Sims. And if you’re itching to dive into The Sims 4 and its many expansions, the gaming gods have heard you. Via  IGNAmazon is having an incredible Sims 4 sale right now. And to clarify, these sales are for digital copies only.

The Sims 4 cover


EA Games released The Sims in 2000, and it quickly became a phenomenon. That still rings true in 2020. Obviously, since we’re on the fourth release in the series. So let’s explore these sales!

The Sims 4 is currently on sale for $4.99. While this doesn’t include the expansions, this is a huge game you can play for as many hours as you want. You can build your home, take on careers, hit up the gym (remember when we could go to the gym?) or just sit in your furnished house. That latter bit is a lot like real-life now, but hey, it’s up to you.

If you’re ready for even more Sims, then an expansion pack might be right for you. Are you ready to explore vibrant worlds and add on some new experiences? You can be a mermaid, for goodness’ sake. Right now you can save 52% by picking up the core game bundled with one of the expansions for $23.99 each (rather than the list price of $49.99). Here are those deals:

The Sims 4 + Cats & Dogs – $23.99
The Sims 4 + Seasons – $23.99
The Sims 4 + Island Living – $23.99

Besides those bundles, The Sims has an extensive expansion pack collection. Everything from Island Living (live that mermaid life), Jungle Adventure, Discover University, and Spa Day. You can do anything!

The Sims also has a YouTube channel with over 1.4 million subscribers, with tutorials, message boards and live broadcasts. The channel also features content by Sims players from around the world. Play on!

Featured Image: EA

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