You Should Go Funko Yourself!

Go Funko myself? No no no, go Funko YOURSELF! Digitally, of course, with Funko’s new beta program “Pop! YourselfFunkoYourself003Everyone’s favorite purveyors of collectible figures are letting fans create a digital avatar of themselves in Funko Pop! form. Funko’s blog site had this to say:Pop! Yourself allows you to create a digital avatar that represents your online profile across all of Funko’s digital experiences – our website, apps, and other new features still on the way. With Pop! Yourself, you can choose over 1 million unique combinations of hair, eyebrows, apparel, and accessories to create your virtual self in Pop! form. We will be adding new items on a regular basis so you can always keep your avatar current with a fresh, new look. Most of all, it’s just fun to see what you’d look like as a Pop!Now, we know what you’re thinking: “Why can’t I get my own actual physical Pop! made in order to command the army of other figures I’ve amassed!?” And while that would be absolutely amazing, it doesn’t seem to be part of Pop! Yourself yet, though our wallets quiver just imagining the cost involved in making a single solitary custom Pop! Our guess is that something like that just has to be somewhere on the horizon considering the effort and detail put into these digital avatars. Not to mention the creative minds out there with access to 3D printers. We wouldn’t be surprised if some enterprising 3D printer gurus used these as templates for a custom service.Still, even if only in digital form, it is surprisingly fun to create a Pop! in your own image like some sort of Funko God! Even if, speaking as a bald man with no real discernible features or style to speak of, the standard blank slate default setting for any “make your own avatar” usually suffices for capturing just about everything about me.FunkoYourself002*Sigh* Three clicks and I’m done. Maybe I’ll get an eye patch one of these days.What do you think of Funko-ing yourself? Could this be the first step in a custom Pop enterprise? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Images: Funko and a certain dashingly handsome and not at all unnecessarily cocky Blake Rodgers