5 Unintentionally Scary Movies to Fuel Your Nightmares

Hello there! Welcome to The Dan Cave! Is that a sexy costume you’re wearing? No? Oh, you just must be that attractive all the time.

In case you’ve been in a coma or living under a rock or in a coma living under a rock, you might know that this week, Jessica Chobot, Malik Forte, and I took a trip to Doomdeath Manor at the invitation of the mysterious “G.”

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Never one to turn down an opportunity for tea and light snacks, I set about exploring the Manor. When I stumbled across a particularly spooky seance room, it got me thinking — this room wasn’t intended to give people the creeps; it just does. That same sensibility — the accidental terror factor — is a recurring theme in movies over the years. Many, many films have endeavored to tell a heartwarming story only to have it devolve into the stuff from which nightmares are forged. So, on today’s episode of The Dan Cave, I’m giving you 5 new films with which to scare yourself silly this Halloween, 5 films that didn’t even realize how terrifying they truly were.


What is your favorite film that is unintentionally terrifying? Chances are I left out your favorite, so don’t carry that unrest with you into the afterlife — tell me about in the comments below! Or you can take to Twitter and whisper it to me gently (@Osteoferocious) using the hashtag #TheDanCave.

Want even more The Dan Cave? Check out last week’s episode in which I count down 5 TV shows that were too insane to get picked up!