The Beauty Of Horror is the World’s Creepiest Adult Coloring Book

Adult coloring booksOpens in a new tab are all the rage at the moment. You can’t walk into a Barnes & Noble or any arts and crafts type store without seeing a table dedicted to them. I’m still not 100% sure what the appeal is, although I suppose it’s cathartic to revisit one of your favorite childhood hobbies, only with the complete command of knowing that now you can totally color within those pesky lines. Maybe the whole cathartic feeling is why so many of these are labeled “art therapy books.” In any case, adult coloring books are currently having their moment.

While a lot of the artwork in these coloring books is licensed (there are currently MarvelOpens in a new tabDCOpens in a new tabStar WarsOpens in a new tabStar TrekOpens in a new tab, and even FireflyOpens in a new tab ones) or reproductions of landscape photographs, the best of these are usually ones with original artwork. Now thanks to Bleeding CoolOpens in a new tab, we’ve learned that musician and comic book creator Alan Robert, best known for books like Wire Hangers and Killogy, has taken his love of all things creepy and created his own adult coloring book called The Beauty of Horror: A GOREgeous Coloring Book, filled with his own original art. The book is coming from publisher IDW ComicsOpens in a new tab, the same company that published three of Robert’s comics series.

Roberts has put together a cool little trailer for The Beauty of Horror, which gives fans a preview of what to expect within its pages. There are zombies of course, not to mention bats, witches, skeletons, and all kinds of exquisitely rendered horror iconography. Even if you aren’t into the whole coloring thing, a lot of the black and white pages within are worthy of framing as is. The Beauty of Horror: A GOREgeous Coloring Book will be available on October 4th, just in time for HalloweenOpens in a new tab. You can view Robert’s full trailer below.

What do you think of this delightfully macabre coloring book? Let us know what you think down below in the comments.

Image: IDW Comics / Alan Robert