Team Nerdist Fights in a Bloody THE BELKO EXPERIMENT-Style Office Battle Royale

The human resources department here at Nerdist actively discourages a few things:

  • Building a fortress made of Funko Pop boxes and hanging a sign that says “no jocks allowed”
  • Making eye contact with Jessica Chobot
  • Leaving a Zodiac Killer-style series of notes taunting Kyle Hill about where we hid his test tubes
  • Trying to enroll in the 401K program after the enrollment period has closed

But when a movie like The Belko Experiment comes along, they tend to relax the rules a little bit and encourage us to take up arms against one another in a grueling, brutal fight for intra-office supremacy. And that’s exactly what happened in the latest episode of Team Nerdist: the entire staff of Nerdist faced off against each other in a battle to the death. Is there a better way to resolve our differences? Probably. Is it more fun to resolve them with a little bit of the ol’ ultraviolence? Yes. Is Jessica Chobot abjectly terrifying when bloodlust takes hold of the office? You’d better believe it.

What is The Belko Experiment, you ask? Why, it’s a tense, unsettling mixture of The Office and Battle Royale from the mind of writer James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy) and director Greg McLean (Wolf Creek). The Belko Experiment is a twisted social experiment in which a group of 80 American workers are locked in their corporate office in a high-rise building in Bogota, Colombia, and ordered by a mysterious voice over the company’s intercom system to kill their co-workers or be killed. When life hands you lemons, sometimes you have to turn them into blood oranges. That sounded better in my head, but here we are.

The Belko Experiment hits theaters on March 17, 2017.

How do you think you would fare in The Belko Experiment? Let us know in the comments below.

Editor’s note: This is sponsored content brought to you by The Belko Experiment/BH Tilt.

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star Wars and the Avengers. Follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).